Thursday, August 18, 2011

In A Day?

So yeah, this was the kind of day I had here.

First off, I baked a cake, from scratch. Flour, eggs, baking powder, milk, sugar. Only I forgot the sugar. Know what you get when you bake a cake from scratch, but without the sugar? You get really lousy bread, is what you get.

Then some kid I don't even know goes upstairs, uses the bathroom. Next thing, I hear running around up there, and then water starts cascading through the ceiling. Whatever went on in that bathroom, well the toilet clogged and overflowed. That's enough about that. I'll be burning my socks.

Oh and I got this bright idea. I had a dark blue shirt. When I was doing the laundry, I must have splashed bleach on  the shirt. Now I had a dark blue shirt with white sprinkles. I figured I might as well go on ahead and bleach the whole shirt. Into the washer went the shirt with a lot of Clorox. Soaked it, rinsed it.

How in God's name does a blue shirt bleach out and become pink? Yes, my shirt is pink. Looks like the frosting on my bread.

That's it for now.

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