Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Little Help Please?

Hi Folks,

I try very hard not to be a downer, ever. Since 2007, however, that's been a struggle. I had to leave a great career in NY because of disabilities. I didn't want to leave, I was sent away because I truthfully became a liability. As much as that sucked, I could see the logic. It was a job that required full mobility, and I no longer have that. We tried a number of work-arounds, but it just didn't happen.

I thought that gaining new employment would be difficult, but I never anticipated that it would be near impossible. I planned ahead, had 3 years salary saved, and started a job search that would lead nowhere. I'm college educated, hold 6 professional licenses, but it didn't matter.

In January of this year, I took the only option I had. I went into business for myself. More accurately, I became an independent consultant for two companies, but in essence, I am my own boss. Unfortunately, as I really got things going, I wound up in the hospital for nearly 10 days with a life-threatening illness. Recovery was slow, but I'm still here, alive, if not well. That's ok.

What I'd like to ask all my friends is for a little help. There hasn't been a lot of support from the home team of late (other than my kids, of course, and my Mom and Dad, who live far away). I just need a couple of "Coaches" who aren't afraid to send out a kick in the butt to keep me on track. I've encountered financial disaster the likes of which I'd never planned on, but I am ready to fight back. The main thing I've learned is that you need people behind you, and that's something I've found here on Twitter.

I'm ready to fight back now. I just know I can't do it alone. You can check in on me, provide a little motivation, because being in business for oneself can be discouraging, to say the least. I have my kids to provide for, while sharing custody of them at the same time. I want to do it. I need to do it, I'm READY to do it.

Don't be shy. There are some very strong people on here to whom I'd love to hold myself accountable. Who's in?

Send a Tweet, a DM, whatever. Be the boss! I need some help!

