Saturday, August 13, 2011

Less-Famous People You Should Follow Part 2

I've discovered something about myself, and that is, no matter how "scientific" or "journalistic" I try to be with my writing, it always winds up coming from the heart. I guess there isn't going to be any room for me at the Wall Street Journal.

That's not going to worry me much. As I said, I approach Twitter from the "social" aspect of "social media." I like the friendly chatter, the heart-to-hearts that are achieved despite the limitations of an electronic medium. People manage to shine no matter by what means their words are shared.

That being said, here are some more people I'd suggest following, if you like the "social" side of things.

Ash @ashIeymegan is a sweet, engaging lady. She tweets frequently, sharing her thoughts and words, what she's doing, all the things that make Twitter fun for me. And she always has time to say "hi". She's got a bright future and is working hard to get there. One of my favorites.

Daniel @Danielzio Manages a bar & restaurant supply company in NYC. He's a good guy who specializes in Tweets regarding a favorite topic of mine: food! Check out his timeline. A lot of good stuff there!

Tommy Geraci @teeco71 Loves to promote talent, and has a lot of friends to work with. He also manages to mix in some great tweets about celebs, great quotes and a bright outlook on life. Fun guy to follow. Check it out!

Ashley @randomlyhappy Here's her Twitter bio: Student. Crazy fangirl. Has too much compassion for people. Tear ducts are broken. Loves horses, cars, and sports. Yes. I AM a girl. She's so engaging, entertaining and interesting. I love when her name pops up in my timeline. Give her a follow!

Cali Lewis @CaliLewis What can I say, I'm a geek who's fond of people fluent in tech-speak. And she likes bacon! Host of GeekBeat.TV. Tech correspondent for CNN, FOX and Sirius 101's GeekTime. Puts out a lot of good info and GeekBeat TV is a worthwhile daily visit.

Jess Mahler @babyjay4 I love "slice of life" tweets. I love people with a keen eye for observation when it comes to people and her tweets get my full attention every time. I'm so glad I chose to follow her because how could ya not love someone who posted this quote: "It takes more than a heartbeat to feel alive."

Charlene McAvennie @Charlie8Charlie This is her bio: Just a girl who hearts Africa, orphans, Jesus, chocolate, ☮ and ♥! Oh & self-appointed World Champion Procrastinator (challenge if you wish but you'll lose!) She is delightful, if I may use that word, kind, because there is no other word, and loving. Someone I enjoy knowing and someone whose heart I admire.

Angel LaCombe @angelmarie_3  is someone close to my heart. Her timeline is like a great daily movie. Finds the good in so many things in life. She's my partner-in-crime when it comes to twitter-projects for Alyssa's Army and someone I'm lucky to consider a friend.

OK that wraps up this edition. Hope you make the effort to follow these great folks. You won't regret it. More to come, so stay tuned!

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