Sunday, September 9, 2012

What's a buck?

Alyssa Milano & Milo
Raising Funds for St. Jude
Cancer is a mean bastard. It's as indiscriminate at the most evil criminal on Earth. Anyone can be attacked by cancer at any time, without warning, without mercy.

Us older folks, well we're supposed to get sick at times. We can be told what we're up against, and have an understanding of what we're fighting. Eventually, we're all supposed to die anyway, so it's annoying and saddening, but not always surprising. Things go wrong, and with age, we grow to expect it. I'm fighting cancer now, and it at least seems like a fair fight.

But cancer goes after kids. Other diseases attack kids as well. But cancer is particularly vile.

St Jude's Children's Hospital helps those kids. It's always armed and ready with the best weapons to fight the evils that plague our kids. But it does so with the help of thousands of people like us. Giving what we can, when we can.

What's a buck? In some places it's a cup of coffee. A snack. Or even a DVD rental. So giving a buck might mean some of us have to do without one cup, one bite or a movie. When you think about the battles these children fight, every single day, you realize how much more they give up. Every day. No playing outside. For months on end, these kids can't be with friends their own age. They rely on grownups for companionship. They play with other sick kids occasionally, but for most it's a lonely battle wrought with sacrifice.

But if you've ever met one of these kids, you're astounded by their spirit, their resilience. They see life as we all should, a day-to-day gift with no guarantees. They cry sometimes. But minutes later they bounce back, ready to share a laugh or a giggle or a toy.

Let's do something to help. Those kids would never ask for a handout, believe me. It's up to us to get past our limitations, our egos, our selfishness.

Why not help Alyssa Milano and the cause of St. Jude's Children's hospital? Give up that extra cup of coffee, or bag of chips. There's always tomorrow for us. And with our help, there can be tomorrows for countless kids who are in need.

Check out the campaign here: Alyssa Milano & Milo Raising Funds for St. Jude

And give what you can, when you can. In the tradition of Social media, share this story if you can't donate. Let's get people involved.