Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Day I Am Proud Of ...

I remember one day in early 2007, I was sitting on board a commuter ferry reading my newspaper. The ferry was large, and had airline-type seating. As the cabin filled up, three young ladies approached carrying one of those cardboard cup holders with three large Starbucks' coffees. (I refuse to say "grande" or "vente" or whatever the hell those words are.)

They chose the row directly behind me. The lady with the cups eased in first, to the seat by the window.

I was suddenly baptized with a shower of coffee. All of it. Drenched the newspaper, my shirt, my tie, my pants. Slosh. Oh, and it was kinda hot. She freaked.

I turned around, glaring at her with my best "Bad Face". She freaked more.

I looked her right in the eyes and said, "You could at least give me a muffin to go with it."

I will never forget her sudden look of relief.

As I stood there in all my coffee-covered glory, the three of them scurried to attempt to help me clean up, but nuh-uh, that wasn't going to happen. But I made three friends right then and there, although I didn't get a muffin.

However, every day from that day until I stopped commuting in May of that year, I got a muffin from The Starbucks' Girls.

Not bad.

PS I saw one of the Starbucks Girls today and it reminded me, that's all

Friday, June 24, 2011

Follow Friday V

cocacola222 (Liz Dziuk)

canuk75 (Rob Quadrini)

vlovesp (Verena )

Darlinghurstguy (Riley Lachey)

heykim (heykim)

Genosworld (Geno Carter)

tamaracharmed (TAMARA L. PACHECO)

Holly_Chisholm (Soledad de la Rubia )

RandomlyPam (Pam Busenius)

chrismwyman (chris wyman)

jennilly24 (Jennifer Guillet)

Gjergj_Cicani (Gjergji Cicani)

AnteBegonja (Ante Begonja)

AlleX91 (Aleksandra )

lanipandy (Lani Joy Pandy)

Jennif_Bieber (Jennifer )

leyton08 (Peyton Sawyer)

amymeganD (amy megan day)

Jayson369 (Jayson Vanzant)

Flo_Stephanie (Florencia Stephanie)

KaleyCuoco (Kaley Cuoco)

Emma_Funnell (Emma Funnell)

Suza_B (Suzana...)

jojolinkajojo (Johana )

ThePowerOfThree (Charmed)

JalynnDavenport (Jalynn Davenport)

Tantive7 (Robert Colomer)

Hayley_Braith (Hayley Braithwaite)

wrtxheifer (cj)

bittersweet9 (Lisa Paternella )

KellyMTOrtego (Kelly Ortego)

muchmetta (Tanya )

Rottie18 (Sami Lovegren)

sammyjd16 (Samantha de Castro)

vaninanibooboo (Nessa Rockz)

jahrends (John Ahrends)

IDOL80S (Samantha)

Static_Prod_Inc (StaticProductionsInc)

ludogvmax (Jay)

tinapfromflens (Tina)

kcostaaa (Kristen)

jessrabbit31 (Jess)

browneeg (Graham Brown)

agrotog (George Flatt)

charmedangel1 (Faith)

lilsugrnspice (Jennifer Merrill)

jae_love_ (jaelove)

SitcomsOnline (

AvyyBabyy (Avril Read)

kmarie1982 (Kristen Marie )

SoIHaveIssues (Michael Pandolfo)

sooooofluffy (Lisa Jayne Millard)

Yaynz3762 (Yaynz_radiah)

Alyssa_daily (Alyssa_daily)

larosasnegra (shiran hayman)

CharmedDaily (Charmed Daily)

amfan_jenny (Jenny Lonussen)

Phoebe1_ (NiKi)

laurawalker86 (Laura Walker)

dbugliari (David Bugliari)

kaddaki (kadda)

HollyGirl11 (Holly Jensen)

P3Linz (Linz Woolley)

kelly_marie_71 (Kelly Patterson)

Coach_Kall (Kelly Kall)

Jenna_Wade (Jenna Wade McBride)

actiongirl007 (beyna )

Esoccer9 (Emily L. :D )

kim (Kim Sherrell)

Gary_E_Davis (Gary E Davis)

Alyssa_Milano (Alyssa Milano)

Charmed_1_4ever (Nicholas Collins)

JessicaGraham21 (Jessica Graham)

micheladouglas (michelle a douglas)

angelmarie_3 (Angel LaCombe)

ChicOwned (Malia Sanchez)

VonSass (Pam Rosen)

AmberKinion (Amber Kinion)

lilsouthernlady (Sumner Nichols)

DickLewis13 (Dick Lewis)