Monday, October 25, 2010

The Haul

I often read messages from people who say such things as "Thank, I needed that..." "Thank you for the support..." "You'll never know how much I appreciate..."

And since those things seem to be said so often, we don't always realize how true they can be. Over the past year, I've faced more than I ever thought I would. Life is funny that way. Since 1998, I've survived four situations that should have cost me my life, but the most recent twelve months I've been stretched and tested to limits I didn't know I had.

Some people might frown on the idea of "online communities." Let them. The same people probably scorned the idea of online dating, the power of the Internet in the cause of doing good. We don't need to concern ourselves with them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

I can say this for certain: do not ever doubt, for a second, the power of a kind word. Don't ever hold back a vote of confidence, a pat on the back, or a virtual shoulder to cry on. I can speak only for myself, but a simple hello, a word of sympathy, a gentle reassurance can move mountains. For me, the "online community" has meant the difference between giving up and moving forward. I've never received what some might consider profound, life-changing wisdom too often, but that isn't what moves life forward. Rather, I believe it's the taking of time, the giving of a simple moment to reach out to someone who might be struggling, that makes all the difference in the world.

I have lost nearly every vestige of my old life, in terms of material things. But I have my children, and their safety, security and well-being is my do-all, say-all reason for existence. As my fortunes turned, I've lost a lot of people whom I'd considered friends. I'm not bitter, mind you, because every evolution is a process. But at the same time, I've been the recipient of kindness from what are essentially strangers, people who thought it worth their time to lend a kind word or thought, people of all ages, gender and walks of life.

We never really know what's important, do we? The beauty of life is that every day we get a new start, a chance to make things better, a chance to do someone else some good. Never underestimate the power you all have. You make a difference in ways you may never come to understand. But my wish here is that you'll think about what I've written, and go ahead and make the connection that could be the difference.

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